Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe
BY ZODI ARIRI |9-29-2024
Baking and cooking are wonderful hobbies, I love to do these hobbies because it always requires exact measurements so that you can’t go wrong. You can learn to make many things, and with experience and practice, you will eventually not need a recipe anymore.
So, for the person currently reading, here is one of my favourite breakfast recipes that I’d like to share with you.
Cinnamon chocolate chip pancakes, doused with syrup, strawberries, blueberries, butter and some powdered sugar to make it look beautiful. You can smell the cinnamon as you bite into the pancake and taste the warm chocolate melt into your mouth. Then finish it with a glass of apple juice. If that’s the experience you want to have in the morning, you’ve come to the right place.
Here is how to make Cinnamon chocolate chip pancakes.
First, you always need your ingredients before starting any steps.
The ingredients you will need are:
Large Egg
Cup of Pancake Mix
Bag of chocolate chips
The items you will need are:
1 big frying pan
1 plate (depends on how many are eating)
1 Spatula
1 Bowl
Measuring cups
Big Spoon/whisk
Now that we have covered the essential ingredients, let me teach you how to make cinnamon chocolate chip pancakes.
Step 1. Get your bowl, and take your 1 large egg. Crack your egg and put it in the bowl (not the eggshell part obviously). Then, add 1 cup of milk, and lastly add 1 ¼ of your pancake mix.
Step 2. Stir all the ingredients in the bowl with a whisk (or a big spoon). Make sure it’s smooth and there are no big clumps of pancake mix. After it’s properly mixed, add half a cup of cinnamon powder into the bowl and mix it well making sure it’s evenly spreaded out. After that, add your chocolate chips. It can be any amount you want, but try not to add too much. After adding your chocolate chips, mix it and make sure it is covered in the mix.
Step 3. Now that you’ve made your pancake mix, it is ready to start frying. But first, you need to set your stove to high and make sure it's properly heated up. The way I do this is by putting tiny little droplets of water and if they dont quickly eviscerate then it’s not ready yet. When it's properly heated, grease it and now you’re ready to fry.
Step 4. Take 1 cup of the pancake mix from the bowl and put it onto the pan, wait about 1 minute and a half before flipping and make sure it is golden brown. Do this repeatedly if making more than one pancake, make sure the mix is not too big or it will be hard for it to flip over.
Step 5. Now you should have done all of your pancakes and put them on the plate. What you wanna do is pour syrup and how much is your choice, make sure to put one tiny slice square of butter on the top. If you want, cut up some strawberries and put some blueberries around the plate. Then lastly, sprinkle a teaspoon of powdered sugar and cinnamon on top of the pancake.
You’re finally done! Now enjoy.