The Deep Ocean : Marine Biology And Life Under-Water
A Marine biologist focuses on the study of life in the ocean. They investigate a population's behaviours or physiology. They also assess the condition of habitats and the effects of human activity on those animals and habitats. Marine biologists are responsible for understanding marine life by studying the distribution, abundance and life histories of animals and plants in the sea and how these aspects are governed by environmental factors.
Most marine biologist jobs need a bachelor's degree in marine biology or ecology, aquatic biology, animal science, zoology, botany or conservation biology. Many jobs also accept degrees in a related field, such as environmental science, natural resources management, geology or oceanography. Doctoral degrees are usually required for faculty positions and other jobs that allow you to follow your own research interests. English and writing are also helpful for working on regulatory issues and communicating with others. A bachelor's degree takes about four years to get, but Marine biologists who pursue master's degrees will take an additional two to three years to complete their education, and earning a Ph.D. will take up to six years more.
Bachelor of Science: First step; getting your B.Sc Degree in Marine biology or a related field such as biochemistry, biology, botany, ecology, microbiology and zoology.
Master’s degree: Depending on the employer's requirement, a master’s degree in Marine Biology is typically sufficient for many applied research positions.
Ph.D: To conduct research and hold university teaching positions, a Ph.D. in Marine Biology is needed
Marine biologists need patience, determination, and excellent problem-solving skills to solve ocean challenges. They often also need practical skills such as boat handling, scuba diving and first aid knowledge. To be a marine biologist, you would also need to be able to swim. They need good teamwork and personal communication abilities, Good written and oral communication skills, and to be prepared to work outdoors in all weathers. For example, marine biology might not be your specialty if you get seasick very quickly.
Technologies used to explore outer space and the ocean include:
Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)
Diving/scuba gear
Mega corers
Water column samplers
Sonar for mapping.
The salary level of marine biologists can vary greatly depending on a wide variety of factors, such as where they work, their level of education and experience, their reputation, and many other factors. Their salary level can also depend on if they are employed by a private sector organization, a government agency or a non-profit organization.
$44,000 $64,000 - $78,000
Average entry-level positions Average for more experience
For an entry-level career in marine biology, the average salary is C$43,236. As you enter the early stages of your career, your pay increases by 10%, making it C$50,980. The pay for a marine biologist in the middle of their career is C$51,743. The average salary for an experienced Marine Biologist is C$55,000, and the average salary for a Marine Biologist in the late stages of their career is C$80,000.
Skills Required as a Marine Biologist :
Be accurate and methodical in field and laboratory work.
Patience to repeat experiments several times.
Analytical and problem-solving skills.
Strong team skills, especially when working at sea.
To be able to work on your own for long periods of time.
The top personality traits of marine biologists are openness and extraversion. Marine biologists score highly on openness, which means they are usually curious, imaginative, and value variety.
Job Duties as a Marine Biologist
Identify and classify forms of marine life
Conduct research for the purpose of understanding the various forms of life that dwell within the sea
Analyze and interpret findings; prepare reports based on findings
May work in a laboratory or in the field for the purpose of conducting experiments and observation
conduct controlled experiments and observe how certain factors work within the environment
Who Hires Marine Biologists
Aquariums and zoos
Eco-tourism companies
University research laboratories
Private companies like seaweed growing companies
Government research laboratories or marine stations
Non-profit environmental advocacy organizations
Marine biology consulting companies
Pluto Udechukwu, a 10th grader at Immaculata High School, covers the opinion and multimedia sections in the newsroom. She is also the CO-editor and CO-founder of Immaculata Chronicles. Pluto is on the Cross-country and girl's hockey teams at Immaculata. Outside of school, pluto loves figure skating and is a member of the Nepean skating club.
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